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Please follow the link below to purchase one of our exclusive memberships. Only members can access these exclusive products.
The new drop is coming, and we can hardly contain our excitement! Keep an eye out for the drop announcement in Discord, and be the first to act when it launches! In the meantime, check out other available selections
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Benefits & Pricing
With The Prime Barrel NFT lifetime membership, you'll enjoy an exclusive set of benefits that will please any whiskey enthusiast. There are three membership tiers, allowing you greater flexibility to pick the Tier that fits your lifestyle best. Because this is a lifetime membership, there are no renewal fees - you pay once and are a member as long as you hold your NFT. You may even pass it on to a member of your family, turning it into a generational affair. And we will be there for every step of it - we've been operating for over a decade and not looking to stop any time soon.

Tier 1 Plus

Single Barrel Savant +

Availability: 7



Here's what to expect:

Four Roses + New Riff Ultimate Barrel Selection Experience
Four Roses + New Riff Charity Bottles (1 bottle of each)
Stacked orders for  free shipping
First access to prime & exclusive barrel selections
2 day exclusivity window
Exclusive single barrel bottle at launch
Distillery barrel selection trips
Virtual private barrel selections
Local community events
Spot in Allocated Bottle Randomizer (2x yearly)
3 Free Glencairn Glasses
Random Swag
Free Empty Barrel or Barrel Head
Downloadable Custom Tasting Sheet
Members-Only area in our Discord community

Tier 1

Single Barrel Savant

Availability: 193




Here's what to expect:

Four Roses + New Riff Ultimate Barrel Selection Experience
Four Roses + New Riff Charity Bottles (available as an add-on)
Stacked orders for  free shipping
First access to prime & exclusive barrel selections
2 day exclusivity window
Exclusive single barrel bottle at launch
Distillery barrel selection trips
Virtual private barrel selections
Local community events
Spot in Allocated Bottle Randomizer (2x yearly)
3 Free Glencairn Glasses
Random Swag
Free Empty Barrel or Barrel Head
Downloadable Custom Tasting Sheet
Members-Only area in our Discord community

Tier 2

Single Barrel Advocate

Availability: 1,800




Here's what to expect:

Four Roses + New Riff Ultimate Barrel Selection Experience
Four Roses + New Riff Charity Bottles (available as an add-on)
Stacked orders for  free shipping
Second access to prime & exclusive barrel selections
1 day exclusivity window
Exclusive distillery-only bottle at launch
Distillery barrel selection trips
Virtual private barrel selections
Local community events
Spot in Allocated Bottle Randomizer (2x yearly)
1 Free Glencairn Glasses
Random Swag
Free Empty Barrel or Barrel Head
Downloadable Custom Tasting Sheet
Members-Only area in our Discord community

Tier 1 Plus

Ultimate Experience

Single Barrel Savant +

Availability: 7

Presale Price



Regular Price


Four Roses + New Riff Ultimate Barrel Selection Experience
Four Roses + New Riff Charity Bottles (1 bottle of each)
Stacked orders for  free shipping
First access to prime & exclusive barrel selections
2 day exclusivity window
Exclusive single barrel bottle at launch
Distillery barrel selection trips
Virtual private barrel selections
Local community events
Spot in Allocated Bottle Randomizer (2x yearly)
3 Free Glencairn Glasses
Random Swag
Free Empty Barrel or Barrel Head
Downloadable Custom Tasting Sheet
Members-Only area in our Discord community

Tier 1

Best Value

Single Barrel Savant

Availability: 193

Presale Price



Regular Price


Four Roses + New Riff Ultimate Barrel Selection Experience
Four Roses + New Riff Charity Bottles (available as an add-on)
Stacked orders for  free shipping
First access to prime & exclusive barrel selections
2 day exclusivity window
Exclusive single barrel bottle at launch
Distillery barrel selection trips
Virtual private barrel selections
Local community events
Spot in Allocated Bottle Randomizer (2x yearly)
3 Free Glencairn Glasses
Random Swag
Free Empty Barrel or Barrel Head
Downloadable Custom Tasting Sheet
Members-Only area in our Discord community

Tier 2

Wallet Friendly

Single Barrel Advocate

Availability: 1,800

Presale Price



Regular Price


Four Roses + New Riff Ultimate Barrel Selection Experience
Four Roses + New Riff Charity Bottles (available as an add-on)
Stacked orders for  free shipping
Second access to prime & exclusive barrel selections
1 day exclusivity window
Exclusive distillery-only bottle at launch
Distillery barrel selection trips
Virtual private barrel selections
Local community events
Spot in Allocated Bottle Randomizer (2x yearly)
1 Free Glencairn Glasses
Random Swag
Free Empty Barrel or Barrel Head
Downloadable Custom Tasting Sheet
Members-Only area in our Discord community